Asian senior man suffering from heart attack outdoors

How to Manage Your Older Parent’s Recovery Following a Stroke

A stroke can be devastating for seniors as well as their family members. The first thing you should do if you suspect your aging loved one has had a stroke is to seek emergency medical attention. After the acute phase of the cerebrovascular event has passed, there are things you can do to ensure your loved one recovers as well as he or she can.

Enroll in Physical Therapy

After your loved one has a stroke, talk to his or her physician about enrolling in a physical therapy program. Physical therapy is especially important if your loved one has lower body deficits such as weakness, loss of feeling, or paralysis. While physical therapy may not return your loved one back to pre-stroke full function, it may significantly increase mobility and range of motion.

Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Family caregivers can turn to Ambience In-Home Care Assistance for the help they need. We provide high-quality live-in and respite care as well as comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care.

Try Occupational Therapy

Upper body mobility may also be affected by a stroke. If your parent has difficulty moving his or her arms or grasping a comb, brush, toothbrush, or utensils, he or she may be a candidate for occupational therapy. The therapist will work with your loved one on increasing upper body strength so the activities of daily living can be better managed. Your loved one will be taught how to use a fork, spoon, and knife using special utensils with built-up handles provided by the occupational therapist. These utensils are easier to grip for those with grasping deficits.

Make the Home Handicapped Accessible

If your parent has a raised ranch-style home, you may need to install a ramp so he or she can access the dwelling while in a wheelchair. If the home is a multilevel building, it may be necessary to convert one of the rooms on the first floor into a bedroom. This way, your loved one won’t need to navigate the stairs when he or she wants to nap or retire for the evening. Also, if the first floor living area doesn’t have a bathroom, consult with a contractor for an estimate on building a small bathroom with a shower.

Recovering from a stroke, managing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, and a variety of other health-related situations can make it difficult for a senior to continue living at home without someone there to help. Ambience live-in care professionals are trained to help seniors who need 24/7 assistance. With the help of a live-in caregiver, your elderly loved one can maintain a higher quality of life while aging in place.

Assist Only as Needed

Even after having a stroke, your parent may want to preserve as much independence as possible, so offer assistance only when requested. Also, it’s important to preserve dignity when helping your parent bathe or get dressed. When giving a bed bath, keep your loved one covered up, only uncovering the body part that’s being washed and dried. Allow your loved one to participate in his or her hygiene routine as much as possible, and if your parent has developed cognitive deficits as a result of the stroke, always explain procedures as you do them so he or she knows what you’re doing. Explaining the procedures can alleviate anxiety and put your loved one more at ease when getting assistance with the activities of daily living.

Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted home care provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Ambience In-Home Care is here to help. Ambience In-Home Care can be your trusted partner in caregiving for your aging loved one. Contact one of our experienced Care Managers today at (469) 573-4213 to learn more about our reliable in-home care services.