Senior Activities

5 DIY Bird Feeders Aging Adults Can Make

By Ambience In-Home Care | 03/25/2021 | Comments Off on 5 DIY Bird Feeders Aging Adults Can Make
Man feeding birds at a birdhouse.

If your senior loved one enjoys watching birds up close, all he or she needs to do is feed them, and they’ll come. Creating a bird feeder doesn’t have to be a difficult task. In fact, there are many DIY bird feeder ideas your loved one can choose from.  1. Shoe Feeder Help your loved…

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6 Great Incentives for Aging Adults to Volunteer

By Ambience In-Home Care | 01/30/2020 | Comments Off on 6 Great Incentives for Aging Adults to Volunteer
Smiling woman stands with volunteering group outdoors.

Volunteering is one of those things most people wish they could do more often. After all, every community benefits when people are willing to share their time and talents. People who volunteer regularly will be quick to tell you they get back more than they put into their roles. Choosing to volunteer during the senior…

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