Elderly man practicing tai chi outdoors.

Best Coordination Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease

Maintaining their balance and moving freely is difficult for seniors living with Parkinson’s, which is a neurodegenerative disorder. To increase their mobility and slow the progression of the disease, seniors should continue exercising. Below are some of the best coordination exercises for Parkinson’s and details about how each activity is beneficial for older adults with this disease. 


The changes caused to a senior’s brain by Parkinson’s can increase the risk of slips and falls, which could cause further brain traumas and more severe conditions. However, participating in exercises such as aerobics each week can enhance gait, flexibility, and balance and lower the risk of falls and injuries. Participating in aerobics can help seniors maintain brain connections that prevent accidents, such as walking into furniture or miscalculating steps. The best aerobic exercises for seniors with Parkinson’s are: 

  • Biking 
  • Swimming 
  • Yoga 
  • Dancing

Leg Raises

Whether your elderly loved one does back or side leg raises, the exercises can help him or her build strength and endurance. Stooped posture is another issue older adults with Parkinson’s typically experience, but doing leg raises can strengthen the lower back while helping with forward head and shoulder issues. Leg raises burn calories and enhance stability in older adults with Parkinson’s. Make sure to start off at a slow pace, allowing your loved one to work his or her way up as time progresses. 

Even seniors in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s can still get the benefits of exercise, especially with the help of a trained professional caregiver. Home care professionals can be a wonderful boon to seniors. Whether they require around-the-clock supervision or just need assistance with exercise and household tasks a few days a week, seniors can enjoy a higher quality of life with the help of trusted in-home caregivers.


As Parkinson’s advances, coordination and balancing abilities decrease significantly, disrupting daily life and causing seniors to rely on others for assistance with many routine tasks. However, adding walking to the list of exercises can enhance gait and increase coordination and step strength. As your loved one continues to walk, using different parts of the body may become a little easier, boosting his or her coordination and functionality. Walking builds lower body strength and can help your parent work on motor coordination, regardless of how far he or she walks. The key to better coordination is the amount of time spent walking, not the distance. 

If you usually help your loved one exercise but need a break now and then, consider having a professional caregiver take over for you. Garland respite care professionals can assist seniors with a wide array of daily tasks, offering family caregivers the chance to focus on other personal responsibilities or take a break to prevent burnout. Whether it’s for a few hours a day or a few days a week, respite care is the perfect solution for family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed.

Tai Chi

When it pertains to increasing balance and coordination, tai chi is one of the top exercises for older adults with Parkinson’s disease. The techniques used in tai chi are designed to strengthen joint stability, boost bone and heart health, and enhance mental wellbeing. A major concern for seniors with Parkinson’s is falls, but this exercise can prevent slips and balance issues. By practicing tai chi, seniors can boost their leg strength, reflexes, and range of motion. An advantage of this exercise is that seniors can begin at their own pace, choosing a level that’s challenging but not impossible. You can ramp up the activities or modify the tai chi techniques based on your loved one’s fitness level and functioning abilities. 

Seniors with Parkinson’s who need assistance with exercising safely can benefit from the help of a trained professional caregiver. Garland home care service experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently. Trust Ambience In-Home Care to provide high-quality compassionate, professional care for your loved one. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at (469) 573-4213