Is Alzheimer’s Curable?
Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that affects each person differently. Controlling the disease could slow its progression and increase independence. Family caregivers need to learn as much about the condition as possible, including whether it’s curable and what they can do to help their senior loved ones manage the disease. Continue reading to learn more about Alzheimer’s and how to stave off its progression.
Top Causes
Lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetics are the top causes of this form of dementia. Most of the warning signs are related to other conditions, which is why the disease often goes undiagnosed in the early stages. However, failing to get treatment early on could cause symptoms to worsen and speed up the progression of Alzheimer’s. If your loved one displays short-term memory problems, slower reaction times, aggressive behavior, or questionable judgment, take him or her to the doctor for testing immediately.
Is There a Cure?
There’s currently no way to cure Alzheimer’s once seniors develop the disease. However, there are medications that can make the condition manageable for families and their aging loved ones. There are also ways to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, even for seniors who have the genes linked to this condition. If you need advice or more information regarding the progression of Alzheimer’s, speak with your loved one’s primary care physician.
Without the right assistance, Alzheimer’s can be challenging for seniors and their families to manage. If you’re looking for professional Alzheimer’s care. Ambience In-Home Care provides high-quality care aging adults, and their families can count on. All of our hourly and live-in caregivers are trained to help seniors with Alzheimer’s live happier and healthier lives, and we also provide specialized dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care.
Most physicians prescribe cholinesterase inhibitors to treat Alzheimer’s. Although the drugs don’t cure the disease, the medications can reduce many of its symptoms, such as confusion, aggression, depression, wandering, and mobility issues. The objective of the medicines is to boost dopamine levels, which can enhance quality of life and make daily tasks manageable.
Stages of Alzheimer’s
There are typically five stages of the disease: preclinical, mild cognitive impairment, and mild, moderate, and severe dementia. The stage of the disease will impact your loved one’s skills and determine most of his or her emotions. For example, in the mild dementia stage, your parent could continue doing many tasks alone as long as he or she takes medication correctly and makes healthy lifestyle choices. However, during the late stage of Alzheimer’s, the problems are more severe, and your loved one may rely on you, other family members, and professional caregivers for almost everything.
Families looking for top-rated home care providers can reach out to Ambience In-Home Care. From respite care to specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
There are ways to manage the disease naturally, such as eating nutritious meals, following a healthy exercise routine, giving up smoking and drinking, and staying mentally active. These healthy lifestyle choices could increase dopamine production, prevent amyloid tangles, and slow the progression of the disease. Chronic stress is another issue that raises blood pressure, increases the risk of diabetes, and causes Alzheimer’s symptoms to worsen. Therefore, you should find purposeful activities and tasks for your loved one to complete, which can lower stress levels and prevent combative behavior. Engaging in purposeful activities can boost overall health, reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms, and stop the disease from progressing at a fast rate.
If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, help is just a phone call away. If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Ambience In-Home Care, a leading provider of senior care families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at (469) 573-4213 to learn more about our customized care plans.