Man peacefully sleeping on a couch.

5 Reasons Your Senior Parent Needs Adequate Sleep

When it comes to general health, people often pay close attention to diet and exercise, but they don’t consider sleep to be quite as important. A lack of high-quality sleep can lead to several mental and physical issues for seniors. The older people get, the more difficult it is to fall and stay asleep. Here are a few reasons you should encourage your senior loved one to get a good night’s sleep.

1. Prevent Accidents

Getting a good night of high-quality sleep leaves seniors fresh and alert the next day. A lack of sleep, especially when it becomes a regular occurrence, could affect your loved one’s ability to manage regular daily tasks. Your loved one is more likely to trip and fall, have a car accident if he or she still drives, or fall asleep while cooking and catch the house on fire. Studies have shown that for people of all ages, a lack of sleep is one of the top causes of these types of accidents.

Older adults can prevent several hazards at home and enjoy a high quality of life by hiring professional caregivers. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive professional in-home care. Ambience In-Home Care is here to help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

2. Lower the Risk of Developing Mental Illness

Studies have also shown that a lack of sleep increases the likelihood of developing several mental illnesses. Getting insufficient sleep can put seniors at greater risk for medical conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A lack of sleep can increase your loved one’s chances of becoming paranoid, forgetful, and confused, impact his or her memory, and lead to depression. Many experts believe that lack of sleep is a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease.

If your elderly loved one is living with Alzheimer’s and needs help managing the symptoms, turn to Ambience In-Home Care, a leading provider of Alzheimer’s care. Seniors can rely on our revolutionary Cognitive program activities that promotes cognitive health and delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. This cognitive activity encourages seniors to engage with others in an enjoyable way and helps them build new routines to look forward to.

3. Keep Physical Illness at Bay

Seniors are at increased risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure. A lack of sleep has also been linked with an increased risk of developing these issues. In some cases, an underlying condition may be causing the lack of sleep, which is why it’s important to keep up with your loved one’s doctors’ appointments. 

4. Boost Muscle, Bone, & Skin Health

Seniors tend to have weak muscles and bones, but few realize that a lack of sleep can make them even weaker. When tired, the body releases insufficient quantities of hormones associated with protecting muscles, bone strength, and sturdiness. Instead, it produces high levels of stress hormones, which can cause the skin to age more quickly and lose its elasticity.

5. Maintain a Healthy Weight

If your loved one has difficulty controlling his or her weight, a lack of sleep may be the underlying cause. Studies have shown people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to become overweight or obese. Older adults who get less than six hours of sleep may feel hungry more often and crave unhealthy foods. Many weight loss programs now incorporate healthy sleeping habits along with a better diet and increased exercise. 

Seniors can get a good night’s rest by practicing good sleep hygiene and making other healthy lifestyle choices. If your elderly loved one needs help maintaining a high quality of life while aging in place, reach out to Ambience In-Home Care, a trusted provider of homecare. Our caregivers provide transportation to and from medical appointments and social events, nutritious meal preparation, assistance with daily exercise, and help with everyday tasks like bathing, grooming, and light housekeeping. Call one of our Care Managers at (469) 573-4213 to learn about our customized in-home care plans.