Senior woman and caregiver smiling together.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Caregiver Burnout

Being a caregiver can be very fulfilling. However, if you start to neglect your own health and personal goals, it can lead to burnout or unhealthy levels of stress. Here are a few ways to reduce the risk of caregiver burnout. 

Know the Signs

To prevent burnout, you need to be able to recognize its signs and symptoms. Common signs include impaired sleep, diminished energy levels, and fluctuations in mood. You may withdraw from friends and family members or start to neglect your former interests and hobbies. Caregiver burnout can also have physical symptoms like notable weight gain or weight loss. 

Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Family caregivers can turn to Ambience In-Home Care Assistance for the help they need. We provide high-quality live-in and respite care as well as comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care.

Seek Assistance

When you start to notice the signs of burnout, it probably means you’re overworked. In these situations, the first thing you should do is ask for help. Seek assistance from friends and family members who can take over caregiving duties on weekends, make a few meals each week, or run essential errands. Even a little bit of extra help can free up your schedule, giving you some extra time to yourself. You may also want to invest in a good respite care service. With these services, a trained home caregiver can watch over your loved one for a few hours, giving you a much-needed break. 

Ambience respite care professionals can assist seniors with a wide array of daily tasks, offering family caregivers the chance to focus on other personal responsibilities or take a break to prevent burnout. Whether it’s for a few hours a day or a few days a week, respite care is the perfect solution for family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed.

Find an Emotional Outlet

For caregivers, stress comes from all directions. Some stress is caused by the sheer scope of the job, as many caregivers have their days filled by everything from running errands to managing medications. Stress also comes from the emotional component of the job. You need an outlet to work through your complex emotions, which may cycle from grief to sadness to joy in a single day. Caregiver support groups are a great way to stay emotionally and mentally healthy throughout the caregiving journey. They provide the space to vent frustrations, ask questions, and share thoughts and feelings. Some caregivers prefer receiving one-on-one time with a therapist or counselor or seeking support via an online caregiving group. 

Mitigate Stress

Heightened stress levels lead to caregiver burnout. While you can’t eliminate stress from your life, you can find healthy ways to manage it. Some caregivers enjoy calming exercises like yoga and tai chi, which emphasize mindfulness and deep breathing. Others meditate for ten minutes every day or seek stress relief via a calming hobby like coloring or gardening. Once you have found an effective outlet for your stress, make it a daily habit or your stress levels will start to build once again. 

Stay Social

Social isolation is a common consequence of caregiving. When caregivers watch over a housebound loved one, they simply don’t have the time or opportunity for weekly coffee dates or trips to the movies. Isolation can have a negative impact on mental and emotional health, and you should strive to stay social. If you can’t make it to the local coffee shop every week, use Skype or FaceTime to chat face to face. Consider using social media to stay connected with your family members and friends.

Hiring professional caregivers is one of the best ways for family members to take a break from their caregiving duties so they can relax and prevent burnout. Families who need help taking care of their senior family members can turn to Ambience In-Home Care. One of our trusted caregivers can encourage your loved one to adopt healthier habits and help him or her age in place safely and comfortably. To learn about our high-quality in-home care plans, give us a call at (469) 573-4213 today.